Helpful Employees Make All The Difference

Hello! Welcome to Beyond Soy!

It’s easy to feel like a burden when you have a food intolerance, allergy, or sensitivity. It is always extra work for a waiter to look up the ingredients to a menu item, or for a store employee to track down a particular product for you. This additional work can lead to some discouragement, but sometimes people go above and beyond to really make you feel welcome.

A candy store can be a tricky place to avoid soy - IMAGE VIA PEXELS

A candy store can be a tricky place to avoid soy - IMAGE VIA PEXELS

Ashley was recently at a candy store and had an incredible experience. Candy stores are a dangerous place to avoid soy. Since almost all chocolate contains soy, much of the candy is immediately off-limits. Add in the limited ingredient information available for things like candy by the scoop and it is easy to feel like nothing is soy-free, or that it isn’t worth it to try to find a soy-free treat.

In this particular store, however, an employee went above and beyond to make her feel welcome and included. He took ownership of her concern and actually went looking for soy-free products. Suddenly, she wasn’t a burden to the store. Instead, the employee took on the challenge of accommodating her requests. Instead of a “not looking likely” attitude, it was a “we can do that” attitude.

Employees with a positive attitude can be incredibly helpful! - IMAGE VIA PEXELS

Employees with a positive attitude can be incredibly helpful! - IMAGE VIA PEXELS

The employee ended up finding a few soy-free candies for Ashley to purchase and even went as far as letting her try some of the candy first to ensure that she liked it before she bought it. As a result, she had an incredible experience at this store and is highly likely to return.

Employees like this make a world of difference. They can be found in lots of different stores and restaurants and they make it feel normal to have a food requirement. To all of these employees who make a difference, thank you! Thank you for your encouragement and problem solving. You truly do make a difference.