A Surprising Amount of Soy-Free Bread

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Bread is usually one of the hardest places to find soy. Due to the prevalence of soy flour (used as a bleaching agent to keep the dough white), almost all pre-packaged bread contains soy. We usually get fresh bakery bread to avoid this. Over the past few weeks, I've been surprised at how much soy-free bread we've been able to find (and where we've found it). Ever since we went to the UK, I feel like we've stumbled onto soy-free bread everywhere. We've put information on different soy-free bread options below in case you are struggling to find any soy-free options:



Fresh baked bread at the grocery store
This is the bread that we use most often (and the bread we talk about most here at Beyond Soy). Fresh-baked bread is usually soy-free (always make sure to read the ingredient labels) and serves plenty of purposes. We use it for sandwiches, fondue, garlic bread, rolls, etc. Our favorites are rolls and baguettes, which seem to be endlessly versatile.

Rudi's sandwich bread
Our go-to sandwich bread is Rudi's, which we've talked about before here on Beyond Soy. It is a great soy-free option for standard sandwich bread. My one complaint, and maybe this only bothers me, is that Rudi's loaves have an odd number of slices. When making sandwiches, we always seem to have one slice left over. Rudi's also sells soy-free hamburger buns and hot dog buns.

Take-and-bake rolls
Our grocery store sells "take-and-bake" rolls (and loaves) in the deli section. We were surprised to find out that these rolls are soy-free! They are a little more expensive than other options, but provide another option to quickly get a soy-free roll. Nothing beats these when they are freshly baked! They can also be easily frozen. 

White House rolls
These are probably our favorite rolls at the moment. White House rolls are super soft, fluffy rolls. They are perfect for summer sandwiches! We stumbled upon them in the grocery store a couple of months ago (on a display at the end of an aisle) and we haven't looked back since.  



Loose deli rolls
The loose deli rolls at our grocery store are also soy-free. You need to be careful with these, since not all of them are always soy-free, but we've had good luck finding rolls in this section. They are great since you don't need to buy a whole pack and can instead select just a couple of rolls. 

Martin's hamburger and hot dog buns
BBQ's are hard because it is difficult to find soy-free buns for hamburgers and hot dogs. This summer, we discovered that Martin's potato rolls are soy-free! This is the first soy-free hamburger bun that we've found that is pretty common. Not only are these a great option for using at home, but since they are so prevalent, they may be used by other people (as opposed to specialty soy-free bread which we rarely see in the outside world). So if you are at a BBQ, look for Martin's rolls to see if you can eat the buns!